Experience Life with Your Child

Learn how to navigate a high-conflict custody dispute so you can get a more favorable outcome in the best interest of your children.

Visitation Podcast

This is a blog regarding child custody, visitation, parental rights and alot of other issues surrounding those topics. If you find an article that helps feel free to leave a comment and I will reply. I hope to raise awareness that parental kidnapping and parental alienation is a real thing. We must protect ourselves and our children. Below are resources to help you learn about custody and get a more favorable outcome in you high-conflict custody dispute.

The Ultimate Solution for Co-Parenting Success: Create Your Parenting Plan Now
Who Did I Have a Baby With? Help Gather Evidence with TruthFinder®
 Christie Thompson: Bridging Families Through Mediation in Minnesota
The Easiest Way to Ruin Your Case is Saying Parental Alienation
Help! The other parent lied in court
What is a custody coach?
Balance and Restoration: Domestic Violence Awareness and Survivorship